Get ready to GROW!

We’re excited to announce that from 20th to 22nd June we are going to be exhibiting at Grow London, Hampstead Heath. The contemporary garden fair is a new concept in British gardening shows and is an urban, boutique event with only around 100 exhibitors so we are thrilled to have a stand there.

Whether you grow herbs on a window sill, plant pots of peonies on your balcony, sow seeds in your allotment or are just looking to jazz up your garden, GROW London promises masses of inspiration, creativity, originality and style for everyone, from plant-mad professionals to green-fingered enthusiasts.

We’ll be displaying some of our finest grow your own kits – from seasonal seed starter packs, to our new cooks’ ingredients food plants. We’ll also be launching our brand new app at the show so come along to find out more.

Stop by our stand (G1) to come and meet the team, view our seed kits and plants and to discover more about the wonderful world of growing your own!

Visit the GROW London to find out more about the show and to book tickets: GROW

Time to go veggie…

Monday sees the start of National Vegetarian Week – an opportunity for individuals, businesses, community groups, educational establishments to highlight meat-free products, share recipes and discover more about the benefits of a vibrant vegetarian lifestyle.

This year, the organisers are encouraging Brits to go meat-free for a week, which is a challenge for many, but tasty recipes, handy hints and tips will be posted on the website, Facebook page, Twitter  @NVW2014 and on the app all week.

In fact, research shows that nearly half of the British public would rather go veggie for a week, over giving up fish and chips or alcohol, sing karaoke in front of friends, eat a packet of dry crackers or sit in a bath of baked beans for week! *

Here at Seed Pantry we are always encouraging our green-fingered fans to plant and grow their own vegetables, salads and herbs. So why not try going veggie for a week and, better still, now is a great time to start thinking about setting up a vegetable patch in the garden. If you don’t have the space, our popular kits let you grow your own in even the smallest of outdoor spaces – from balconies, window-sills and yards.

As well as being cost-effective and environmentally friendly, growing your own veg, salads and herbs means you can eat completely organic produce, grown and picked by you.

So during National Vegetarian Week, why not start growing your own vegetables, salads and herbs at home and experiment with the delicious, wholesome vegetarian diet.

For more information visit: National Vegetarian Week

(*) Source: The Vegetarian Society, 16th May 2014


Flex your green fingers for National Gardening Week!

This week (14th – 20th April) is National Gardening Week 2014 – the country’s biggest celebration of gardening, organised by the Royal Horticultural Society.

It’s a great opportunity to get out in the garden, embrace the great outdoors and start sowing and planting seeds, flowers, trees, plants, herbs, vegetables and fruits. Thousands of people, public gardens, charities, shops and heritage organisations are getting involved and have plenty of events and activities taking place up and down the country. There are beginner’s workshops, walking guides, garden parties, planting groups and grow your own sessions – so there’s something for everyone.

With the lovely sunshine predicted to stay for a few weeks, now is a great time to start growing your own so have a look at our Seed Pantry product range on the website for planting inspiration.

There are competitions running online, on Facebook and Twitter to win some great gardening goodies so for more information visit: National Gardening Week 

Also, The Big Allotment Challenge starts on BBC2 at 8pm tonight (14th April) so why not tune in for ideas and tips and to get in the gardening spirit!

Spotlight on Tomatoes and Basil

What’s so good about Tomatoes?

From Tumbling Toms and Ailsa Craigs, to Marmande and Heirlooms, tomatoes are a firm British favourite thanks to their versatility and full flavour. Whether you like them sliced in a crunchy salad or prefer to whiz them up into a tasty pasta sauce, eating tomatoes regularly is good for your health.

Here are some juicy facts about tomatoes:

  • Tomatoes can come in different colours – from dark red, to orange to green! Contrary to what people might think, the colour doesn’t have much affect on the taste but they all include lots of essential nutrients.
  • Tomatoes are high in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium and Potassium
  • They’re low in fat, high in fibre and a low-calorie source of many vitamins and minerals.
  • Research suggests tomatoes have another important nutritional benefit – they’re packed with lycopene, an antioxidant that gives them their bright red colour and may also have a role to play in lowering the risk of cancer and heart disease.
  • Just one tomato or seven cherry tomatoes counts as one of the 5-a-day and contains just 15 calories and 0.3g fat. Try snacking on cherry tomatoes instead of crisps when hunger hits or make up a batch of homemade tomato soup to help fill you up.

Did you know there is a British Tomato Week? It runs from 19th – 25th May this year and it the tenth anniversary of the event so look out for tomato themed activities taking place around the country.

Brilliant Basil!

Basil and tomatoes are a wonderful cookery combination, especially within Mediterranean cuisine. Basil, an aromatic herb belonging to the mint family, is perhaps best known as the key ingredient in pesto, but here you can find out some fun facts about this aromatic plant.

  • Basil now grows in many regions throughout the world, but it was first native to India, Asia and Africa. It is prominently featured in cuisines throughout the world including Italian, Thai, Vietnamese and Laotian.
  • The name “basil” is derived from the ancient Greek wordbasilikohn, which means “royal,” reflecting the culture’s attitudes towards a herb that they held to be very noble and sacred. Basil is also revered in other cultures, for example in India, basil was cherished as an icon of hospitality, while in Italy, it was a symbol of love.
  • Basil is an excellent source of vitamin K and manganese; a very good source of copper, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids such as beta-carotene), and vitamin C.

Feeling stressed out? Basil can help to relax you. It contains phytochemicals that studies suggest may lower cortisol, a hormone secreted when you’re tense. 
Add a few leaves to  your salad or pop a few in a glass of chilled ice tea for a relaxing drink.


Organic food growing 2 – companion planting good and bad plants

In the second of our mini series on organic food growing at home we have provided a table of favourite varieties and their good and bad companion plants!

It is generally thought that all plants will grow happily alongside each other, but this is not the case. There is a lot of competition between individual plants for light, space, water and nutrients.

Some plants will excrete toxins via their roots into the soil to act as a growth inhibitor. These we think of as bad companions and in food plant gardens we make sure to keep them apart.

Others plants such as legumes (peas and beans) will release nitrogen via their roots to encourage plant growth – good companions. It is this ‘plant science’ that we turn to our advantage to make the maximum use of space available in containers and veg patches.

Marigold plants will excrete a substance through their roots that kills harmful soil nematodes and there are plants that contain strong smelling volatile oils that deter or confuse harmful pests.

Good and bad companion plants

The table below highlights the principals above for a select group of edible plants:

This mini series is brought to you from the Seed Pantry team members Mike and Neil.

Mike says: ‘Good and bad companion planting can really help you make the best of growing your own food, it’s always good to use nature in your favour rather than pesticides’

Neil says: ‘I am sowing seeds right now ready to go in next month, so I will be carefully considering what to plant where, to make the most of my crops, I have beans and peas shooting up and beetroot so I’ll be careful not to plant them next to each other!’

Look out for the next post in the mini series, we’ll put a table of companion plants to attract beneficial insects…


We’re keen to Go Green!

This week is Go Green Week (10th – 16th February), People and Planet’s annual national week of action on climate change and encouraging the use of greener alternatives.

Students around the UK in schools, colleges and universities will be running activities to raise awareness of climate issues and to demand stronger action to tackle the climate crisis.

The organisers of the campaign have suggested a whole host of activities to get involved in during the week. This year, Go Green Week coincides with Valentine’s Day so there will be Carbon Speed Dating events (like normal speed dating except couples are matched according to their carbon footprint).

Other events include holding Green Curry Night Fundraisers, where students will be cooking up spicy delights in return for donations to People and Planet.

Universities, schools and colleges from all around the country will be putting on events.  Check out the Go Green Week website for all the latest information about the events taking place during the week –

Growing your own vegetables, herbs and salads is a great step towards greener living. It helps to reduce waste and allows you to eat wholesome, fresh, organic foods. As Spring is just around the corner, now is a great time to start thinking about setting up a vegetable patch in the garden, or if you don’t have the space, our popular kits let you grow your own in even the smallest of outdoor spaces – from balconies and patios, to window sills and yards.

So during Go Green Week, take time to think about how you can make your lifestyle greener – growing your own is a great place to start!

Follow People and Planet on Twitter @peopleandplanet or visit the website for more information on Go green Week or to make a donation –

Organic food growing – companion planting in 6 steps

Plants that help each other grow!?

In the first of a mini series on organic food growing at home we have a quick master class onCompanion Planting for you. Enjoy picking up a few tips to help you grow gourmet food at home, organically!

Companion planting is the practise of growing 2 or more species of plants close together; either to their mutual benefit or, in our case, to the benefit of the food crops we want to eat.

The principles behind companion planting are not complicated, here’s 6 easy steps:

1. Plants with beneficial nutrients

Plants that can “lock” beneficial nutrients in the soil to the benefit of the food crop are a great idea for any food growing space and will provide you with more healthy nutritious crops to eat.

Example: Peas and beans produce nitrogen fixing nodules on their roots that will benefit any leafy crop, so grow lettuce close to them during growing or a crop like cabbages can be grown on top of the roots after the peas or beans have finished cropping and have been cut down.

2. Plants for attracting predators

Certain plants will attract beneficial predators such as ladybirds, hoverflies, and lacewings into the food garden, the emerging young will then feed on unwanted bugs such as aphids that could be present on the food crop.

Example: The poached egg plant (it does look like a poached egg!), Limnanthes douglasii is very good at attracting hoverflies which will feed on aphids and pollinate your plants too.

3. Plants that confuse unwanted pests

Plants can produce scents that confuse and distract the pest by masking the scent of the main food crop.

Example: A great traditional combination is growing basil or dwarf tagetes amongst tomato plants to confuse whitefly.

4. Sacrificial plants

Plants that are used as sacrificial plants to attract pests that then lay their eggs on them so that we can gather the eggs or caterpillars and destroy them.

Example: Grow nasturtiums between brassicas that attract cabbage white butterflies away from the main brassica crops.

5. Plants that secrete unpleasant (but harmless to people!) toxins through their roots

To control soil borne pest and diseases certain plants have defence mechanisms.

Example: members of the dwarf marigold family can be interplanted amongst the main food crop to control harmful soil nematodes such as wire worms.

6. Plants to control weeds

Plants that can be used to control invasive weeds.

Example: Growing Tagetes minuta which has displayed some control over ground elder and convolvulus (bindweed). Again the roots secrete toxins that are poisonous to the plants that need to be suppressed.

This mini series is brought to you from the Seed Pantry team members Mike and Neil.

Mike says: ‘For me I practice all the methods above, but when starting out I think the top 3 are great ideas for this spring and summer’

Neil says: ‘I love the fact that nature simply has the answers needed to grow healthy crops without using harmful chemicals, for my food growing, which is mainly in pots and containers, I will be planting lettuces around my peas and beans this spring’

Look out for the next post in the mini series, we’ll put a table of companion plants together for you…

Could you go vegan for Veganuary?

Thousands of people around the UK are going vegan for January by taking part in Veganuary!

The campaign encourages people to try a vegan diet for a month, and the Veganuary website offers inspiring recipes, meal ideas, videos, cookalongs and advice on the the best places to eat out.

Veganuary aims to raise money for partner charity, Viva, which campaigns for a vegan / vegetarian world and to improve the welfare of animals all over the world.

Going vegan can improve your energy levels, boost your mood and can help you to lose those extra pounds gained over the festive period. It also helps to reduce animal cruelty and provides environmental benefits too.

Here at Seed Pantry, we strongly encourage growing your own vegetables, herbs, salads and as much as possible, as it helps to reduce waste and allows you to eat wholesome, fresh, organic foods. Now is a great time to start thinking about setting up a vegetable patch in the garden, or if you don’t have the space, our popular kits let you grow your own in even the smallest of outdoor spaces – from balconies and patios, to window sills and yards.

As well as being cost-effective and environmentally friendly, growing your own veg, salads and herbs means you can eat completely organic produce, grown and picked by you. So why not make the most of Veganuary by growing your own and enjoying fresh, organic, vegan foods.

Follow Veganuary on Twitter @WeAreVeganuary and on Facebook. Visit the website for more information, recipe ideas or to donate funds to Viva –

For more information on growing your own vegetables and to find out more about Seed Pantry’s products, visit

New products from seed pantry

Seasonal stocking fillers from Seed Pantry

Wild flower seed gift sets from Seed Pantry.

Just in time for Christmas, Seed Pantry has launched three delightful newwild flower seed growing kits, perfect for budding growers and green-fingered friends.

Mum and Me Flowers and Veg Starter Pack

The perfect present for Mums and their little one, the Mum and Me Flowers and Veg Seed Starter Pack is a great way to get the whole family involved in growing wild flowers, veg, herbs and salads.

The Mum Pack contains seeds to grow five different types of wild flowers: field poppies, yarrow, musk mallow, chamomile and wallflowers. The seeds grow into some of Britain’s wonderful native flora in your own outdoor space and are especially attractive to bees, butterflies, hoverflies, beetles and other wildlife, thanks to their vibrant colours. Wildflowers make great companion plants too, for vegetables and fruit trees and can be grown in even the smallest of spaces, giving Mum a real joy over the summer season.

The Me Seeds Pack lets younger gardeners grow four varieties of vegetables and herbs – sweetcorn, cress, pumpkins and sunflowers.

The whole kit contains all the equipment you need to get started, including bio-degradable rice husk pots, coir seed trays, organic compost (3L bag), and an FSC oak dibblet.

The Mum and Me packs arrive in stylish Seed Pantry gift boxes, made using recycled packaging and printed with vegetable inks, including easy-to-follow illustrated instructions and a handy notes pencil for Mum.

The carefully selected seed varieties grow well in pots, containers, the garden veg patch or flowerbed in sheltered, bright positions and can be planted indoors from March to July.

Priced at £40 including delivery the Mum and Me Flowers and Veg pack is a great Christmas present idea for those new to gardening and experienced growers alike.

Wild Flower Seed Starter Pack

The Wild Flower Seed Starter Pack contains seeds to grow seeds to grow wild flowers including field poppies, yarrow, musk mallow, chamomile and wallflowers. These vibrant flowers are easy to grow and tend to and attract a range of pollinating wildlife to your garden. Priced at £26, the starter pack contains everything you need to get started, detailed instructions and a handy notes pencil.

Wild Flower Seeds Box

Priced at £6.75, this box contains five packs of seeds to grow wild flowers in your garden.

Seed Pantry founder, Neil Whitehead says: “Our wild flower kits are a great Christmas gift idea for those new to gardening or for experienced growers. Wild flowers are perfect for attracting bees into your garden as well as other creatures and wildlife, and Spring is a key time of year for pollination. The Mum and Me kit will bring hours of enjoyment to mums and their little ones as they watch the seeds grow into beautiful flowers, and the veggies can be added to family favourite recipes and dishes within a matter of weeks!”

All kits are available now. Order by 17th December to guarantee delivery before Christmas. 

Announcing our first Grower of the Month!

We are delighted to introduce you to our first Seed Pantry Grower of the Month! Steve Harrison from Barlow, near Selby, enjoys growing his own with his three-year old grandson, Jack.

They love going down to the veg garden together and tending to the plants, sowing seeds and, of course, collecting the harvests. He grows three varieties of tomatoes, which have all been picked and added to salads and family meals, as well as peas, carrots, onions, pumpkins and chillies. They have also grown some delicious fruits – raspberries, blackcurrants, grapes, apples, pears – and lots of salad leaves, lettuces, herbs and even olives!

Here are some photos to show some of his harvests this year.

Steve (and little Jack!) – congratulations on being chosen as our Grower of the Month! Keep up the good work and let us know what you are growing next!

Entries are still open for our next grower of the month slot, so if you’d like to feature on our newsletter with a short story about how you got into growing your own, then send your details to along with a photo of some of your home-grown veg, salads and herbs and we’d love to feature you!