We’re keen to Go Green!

This week is Go Green Week (10th – 16th February), People and Planet’s annual national week of action on climate change and encouraging the use of greener alternatives.

Students around the UK in schools, colleges and universities will be running activities to raise awareness of climate issues and to demand stronger action to tackle the climate crisis.

The organisers of the campaign have suggested a whole host of activities to get involved in during the week. This year, Go Green Week coincides with Valentine’s Day so there will be Carbon Speed Dating events (like normal speed dating except couples are matched according to their carbon footprint).

Other events include holding Green Curry Night Fundraisers, where students will be cooking up spicy delights in return for donations to People and Planet.

Universities, schools and colleges from all around the country will be putting on events.  Check out the Go Green Week website for all the latest information about the events taking place during the week – http://peopleandplanet.org/gogreenweek

Growing your own vegetables, herbs and salads is a great step towards greener living. It helps to reduce waste and allows you to eat wholesome, fresh, organic foods. As Spring is just around the corner, now is a great time to start thinking about setting up a vegetable patch in the garden, or if you don’t have the space, our popular kits let you grow your own in even the smallest of outdoor spaces – from balconies and patios, to window sills and yards.

So during Go Green Week, take time to think about how you can make your lifestyle greener – growing your own is a great place to start!

Follow People and Planet on Twitter @peopleandplanet or visit the website for more information on Go green Week or to make a donation – http://peopleandplanet.org/aboutus/

grow your greens during Go Green Week

Go Green Week (11th – 17th February) is People & Planet’s annual national week of action on climate change in schools, colleges and universities. Students across the country will be holding activities all week to raise awareness and launch projects showcasing practical solutions for a low-carbon future.

Go Green Week encourages students to make climate pledges, apply for sustainability funds for green projects and raise funds for climate action through charity events. Plus, each day of the week is themed around different green issues:

Meat-free Monday

Travel light Tuesday

Waste not Wednesday

Switch off Thursday

Funding Friday

Go Green Week will help raise awarensss of the issues surrounding climate change and if we all make some small changes to our lifestyles, we can help towards building a more sustainable future.

Students – why not ask your University if you can set up a vegetable patch or an allotment to grow your own fresh, organic vegetables, herbs and salads? It’s also really easy to grow your own from the comfort of your own home in even the smallest of outdoor spaces, such as window-sills and back yards.

As well as being cost-effective and environmentally friendly, growing your own veg, salads and herbs means you can eat completely organic produce, grown and picked by you.

Growing your own can also lead to a healthier lifestyle.
Tending to the seeds, watering, monitoring and harvesting is great exercise and can be therapeutic too.
The fresh air and gentle workout will leave you feeling refreshed and energised. You’ll also feel a great sense of achievement when you cook up your hand-picked veggies and serve them to friends for dinner!

So during Go Green Week, why not start growing your own vegetables, salads and herbs with your housemates or speak to your student union representative about setting up growing areas? It’s a fun, easy and cost-effective way to eat fresh, organic produce, and to contribute towards a more sustainable, eco-friendly future.